Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Setting permissions for AADSync and password write-back

I love scripting things to save time, so when I found this article a while back on using PowerShell to configure the AADSync service account permissions, I bookmarked it, retweeted it and used it several times since then.

Today, I implemented Password Writeback, and the article only had two permissions set for it.   In testing, I found users received an error, but their password was still being reset correctly.

In the AADSync Event log, I noticed there was two failures followed by a success.  The error looked like this:

An unexpected error has occurred during a password set operation.
 "ERR_: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(58): Failed getting registry value 'ADMADoNormalization', 0x2
BAIL: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(59): 0x80070002 (The system cannot find the file specified.): Win32 API failure: 2
BAIL: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(114): 0x80070002 (The system cannot find the file specified.)
ERR_: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(58): Failed getting registry value 'ADMARecursiveUserDelete', 0x2
BAIL: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(59): 0x80070002 (The system cannot find the file specified.): Win32 API failure: 2
BAIL: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(114): 0x80070002 (The system cannot find the file specified.)
ERR_: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(58): Failed getting registry value 'ADMARecursiveComputerDelete', 0x2
BAIL: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(59): 0x80070002 (The system cannot find the file specified.): Win32 API failure: 2
BAIL: MMS(3188): D:\bt\40256\sources\dev\Sync\ma\shared\inc\MAUtils.h(114): 0x80070002 (The system cannot find the file specified.)
ERR_: MMS(3188): ..\session.cpp(2114): Asynchronous modify result (dn=) failed
WARNING: MMS(3188): ..\session.cpp(2115): Asynchronous modify result (dn=) failed
BAIL: MMS(3188): ..\session.cpp(2121): 0x80070005 (Access is denied.)
ERR_: MMS(3188): admaexport.cpp(4253): The password change operation failed: ERR_: MMS(3188): admaexport.cpp(4259): Insufficient Rights 0x32
BAIL: MMS(3188): admaexport.cpp(3516): 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
ERR_: MMS(3188): ..\ma.cpp(8322): ExportPasswordSet failed with 0x80004005
Azure AD Sync 1.0.0494.0501"

This turned up a good TechNet forum post where someone highlighted the exact issue.  According to the TechNet article, two additional permissions are required.  I have documented these below, and have commented on the source article to add them (and added the powershell to technet) - hopefully more people can find the help they need now.

So for password writeback, two additional invocations of DSACLS are required:

$DN = "DC=domain,DC=com"
$Account = "domain\aadsync"

$cmd = "dsacls '$DN' /I:S /G '`"$Account`":CA;`"Reset Password`";user'"
Invoke-Expression $cmd
$cmd = "dsacls '$DN' /I:S /G '`"$Account`":CA;`"Change Password`";user'"
Invoke-Expression $cmd
$cmd = "dsacls '$DN' /I:S /G '`"$Account`":WP;pwdLastSet;user'"
Invoke-Expression $cmd
$cmd = "dsacls '$DN' /I:S /G '`"$Account`":WP;lockoutTime;user'"
Invoke-Expression $cmd

To check that the permissions are set:
dsacls “\\\DC=domain,DC=com” | findstr serviceaccountname

You should see something similar to this:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Skype for Business for iOS released

This week, Microsoft announced the availability of the Skype for Business client as an update to the existing Lync 2013 client in the app store.

There has been a lot of feedback on social media regarding some of the changes and the issues being found so I have decided to try and collect some and post workarounds here.

  1. I updated my apps, but I don't see Skype for Business.  Yes, for some reason it's named "Business" - not sure if this is a nod to the Microsoft Garage apps of "Invite" and "Send" but it has made for some humor in app sorting.
  2. Dial pad preloads all numbers with +1 in the US.  If you go to the dial pad, it will prefill the e164 prefix for your region as determined by your device's regional settings.  If I change my location to the UK, this is +44.  However this is something many admins don't like.  We tend to account for our users dialing patterns in our dial plans and by adding these in the client we now have to instruct users to expect or remove this.  It's generally just an unwelcome change in behavior.
  3. Crashing on joining meetings.  Many users reporting this.  If you click the icon on the left or the text of your "upcoming meetings" the client crashes.  Workaround - click the icon on the RIGHT of the meeting and it works!  Not sure if this is a UI bug, but had many reports of crashing on joining.
If you or your organization is not able to use MDM or advise your users to not upgrade until some of these issues are addressed.  Another option might be to block the S4B iOS client using a client version policy.  Below are the User Agents in use:

UCWA/ iPhoneLync/6.0.1445.0000
UCWA/ iPadLync/6.0.1445.0000

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Porting numbers in Skype for Business Online

Today, Microsoft announced additional preview options in S4B Online.  One of which is number portability.  This is a huge step towards adoption - we can now tell customers we can port existing PSTN numbers to the Microsoft cloud.

Here's how it works:
  1. Log into your Skype for Business Admin portal in office 365
  2. Click on Voice, then "Port Orders (preview)"
  3. Note the text - you will need a list of numbers, 999 maximum per order, your account info, your letter of authorization, and a PIN if applicable.
  4. Click on + to add a new port order
  5. Note the text warning here
    To minimize delay in your transfer:
    - Please remove any features (i.e. Hunt Group) associated with your numbers before submitting your order.
    - Please do not place any new service orders with your current provider.
    - All numbers must be from the same carrier and under the same account.
    - You cannot transfer toll free numbers or numbers used for data (i.e. DSL lines).
    - Make sure the account information matches exactly what your carrier has on record. Mismatched information is the most common cause of errors.
  6. Complete your account info
  7. Enter your phone numbers, one per line - these need to be in E164 format!
  8. Select your transfer date.  Not sure if they will really get it done in 5 days, but that's was the choice I made.
  9. Digitally sign your letter of authorization
  10. Submit your port order!

I will be working on porting some numbers for real sometime very soon, but wanted to get this post up to show how it's done.  I will update this post as we gain more experience.

More technical details are available at the below links:

            Topic title
What is number porting?

Port existing phone numbers over to your organization

What phone service providers are supported for number porting?

What if my phone carrier isn't listed here? 
What to do after you port your phone numbers?

What's the status of my port orders?
How should I enter the phone numbers?
What phone service providers or carriers are supported?
Port order account information
Port order overview
Submitting a service request for number porting